We are thrilled you landed here, and hope you’ll come often and stay awhile.

Where exactly are you? You’re with Brie and Dee, a daughter and mom/grandma, taking you inside a journey that started a few years ago with the arrival of four awesome kiddos, each one with their own unique need to heal.

And really, can’t we all say that about ourselves? This old world can knock us around pretty good. Frankly, we’re all in need of healing.
Sometimes a bandaid and a hug will do. Other times we need much more. For those of you in the “much more” category (either for yourself or your children or both) we get you. We’re right there in the thick of it, but we have a saying around here when things get tough - THERE’S GOTTA BE A WAY! It took our kids' needs to light a fire in us to find that WAY to thrive and not just survive.
The relentless search for that WAY also gave us a eureka moment recently. Our homes simply have to become the primary resource for healing. Not the only resource, but the primary resource. We think really great therapy can be found in a home-based therapy lifestyle. We’re just beginning to understand what that looks like, and we want to discover more. Lifestyle therapy might sound kind of clinical, but we've already seen that it's what many of us are looking for as we dream of more laughter and love in place of anger and stress. Come along as we share practical ideas, our successes and failures, interviews with authors and experts, and stories from people just like us who are in the process of creating homes that heal. While you’re visiting our blog you’ll hear us refer to our corner of the world as Barefoot Bluff. Right now you’d be risking the future of your feet if you ran around barefoot on Barefoot Bluff. Our rural acreage is infested with goat heads, puncture vine, or tack weeds as they’re sometimes called. They’re the star of the weed show around here. They have become a metaphor for our quest toward lifestyle therapy. There’s a certain satisfaction with each weed pulled and each good seed planted. We’ll explain more on that as time goes on, but suffice it to say we have a LOT of work to do to get rid of our goat head population and replace it with pastures and gardens. It's our dream that one day we'll see our kids running and playing barefoot where angels would fear to tread right now.
We have other adventures in store for Barefoot Bluff as well because we believe there's great healing power in God's creation. Hint- if you love animals you'll enjoy getting to know some future family members. Stay tuned to see that part of the story unfold. We also want you to know that our primary handbook on this journey is the Bible. Psalm 119:105 says, “Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.” We believe that. We know that the ancient truths found in the Bible remain true today. They are reliable. And even better than that, the source of those truths is a God ready to hear us and help us when we cry out, “Rescue me!” Psalm 43:18, “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed.” Psalm 34:18 says he actually bends down to listen to us. Think about that. There is a God, the God of all the universe, who actually bends down to listen when you turn to him for help. It’s our prayer, that all we write or say as we share our story with you, will lead you straight to him because he is the ultimate healer.

So excited to watch this unfold and to see how God will call people to come along side you in this journey.
Love it! I can't wait to see this concept blossom!